Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chris's Walk For Redress Begins On Saturday November 15, 2008

Hello, My name is Christopher Fojtik and I'm going to be traveling on foot to District of Columbia. On my way I'll be going door to door talking about the Petitions for Redress of Grievances from We The People.

The web site will show the petitions that our government turned down not once not twice but three times. Shows how our government is turning its head to the amaican people. -Lucky for Anna Nicole Smith she had the mass media on her side for her case to go in the supreme court.- When I come up to people that are on my way; I'll give them the URL to their web site, link to the video meeting on google from Bob Schulz (chairmen of WTP) "Bob Schulz on the US Constitution", and other things of that nature. I'm going to start in Spring Lake, MI. I will be eating heavily on my journey to DC. The web site will spread on what's happening, expose, confront, and tell how to correct governments operating outside their written, lawful authority and to institutionalize a nationwide program of civic vigilance to prevent future abuses and ensure the continuance of Liberty for ourselves and our coming children. When I set foot on DC I will than begin my hunger strike. I hope I'll be nice and blump, because it going to be a long battle. I'll tell the people on my way, "For me to stop my hunger strike is when 1 million people have read and signed the petitions. Than after I will eat for one week and after that go back to my hunger strike until our government as answered, We The People petitions.". I'll start by setting foot on the streets on the 15th of this month at 8:46 AM EST. I'll be going off track to major cities if they are close by; Lansing, Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Baltimore, and then to the mouth of the beast. I'm 22 years of age and I'm ready for the worst but my hope and liberty will over come that. I hope to see many of you on this peaceful battle field if more is to unfold. I already have a permit to be doing my act in DC for my free speech/assemble.

Our Republic stands upon a precipice. Within a very short time we will either restore Constitutional Order or our nation - at least as we know it - will cease to exist.

One needs only scan the daily headlines to see the disdain our elected leaders hold for the Constitution: The collapsing U.S. currency; the expanding mortgage-debt crisis; rising food and oil prices, intractable (and ultimately unaffordable and unsustainable) wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, domestic spying of our emails, phone calls and Internet use; and the societal decay and crime flowing as a result of uncontrolled immigration. Add to this the immeasurable pain of broken families and households devastated by unbearable levels of direct taxes upon their labor that not only eviscerate the ability to save or care for their own families, they effectively enslave the population for political ends. And this is just a short list.

In our hearts, we know something is very, very wrong with America. Most people are too involved with the burdens of work and everyday life. Beyond this, we are afraid for our country, our future and ourselves -- and that's just what they want.

Until now, most Americans have believed that they need only elect the "right" person to implement the "right" policy and the crisis will end. Most have believed that if we surrender just a "little more" of our Freedom to our public officials, they will save us from "the terrorists" and end the crisis. And most have believed that if we just have the "right" man at the helm of the (private owned) Federal Reserve, our economic crisis will vanish.

The truth, however is that these problems cannot be fixed through the representative electoral process because these problems are NOT problems resulting from defective political policy -- these problems are the direct result of decades of intentional, nefarious Constitutional crimes against the People.

The Iraq war continues without end because Congress abdicated its Constitutional duty to Declare War and failing to subject the "Iraq Resolution" to a vigorous public debate prior to committing the blood and treasure of the People to this growing global conflict.

Spiraling oil and food prices, the bursting housing "bubble", and our limitless national debt are all the result of our Government (unconstitutionally) allowing a privately-owned cartel of banks known as the "Federal Reserve System" to convert our precious metals based system of constitutional money into a system of currency based on limitless, paper debt that it can create out of thin air.

The endless influx of illegal aliens into our local communities is robbing Americans of their standard of living, if not their jobs, while at the same time burdening our cities with untold side effects of closed hospitals, overflowing jails, blighted neighborhoods and degraded school systems. By refusing to enforce our immigration laws -- i.e., those currently on the books -- the President has violated his Oath of Office and his explicit duty to enforce the laws under the Constitution.

The IRS purports to possess an alleged authority to impose and enforce direct, unapportioned taxes on the labor of ordinary Americans. These taxes, (including so-called "employment" taxes) are by common definition, slave taxes. Beyond the fact that slavery is facially unconstitutional no matter its form, the Constitution explicitly prohibits any direct, non-apportioned tax. It is no coincidence that our Founders drew a bright line in the Law, by establishing the requirement for apportionment of all direct taxes as the only clause in the Constitution repeated twice.

Once we recognize the fundamental fact that the cancers that infect our Republic have been caused, not by poor political policy, but by systemic, institutionalized, and unconstitutional tyranny, we can understand why the People have been virtually helpless in halting the intractable march of darkness, decay and despotism that has plagued our nation for decades.

We can also begin to understand that We the People, will need to employ extraordinary means, outside the (controlled) establishment 2-party political process to remedy our Crisis.

Thankfully our Founders provided such a means in our Constitution -- and it's a means that we can employ individually and peacefully. This means is a Right first born in written law as part of Magna Carta in 1215. Section 61 of Magna Carta held the King, under threat of force, to be held accountable to the People as a matter of the RULE OF LAW.

This principle of natural accountability to the People is, and remains, a cornerstone Principle of English Law, American Law and western civilization. In fact, the very concept of the natural dominion of men over their servant governments, and the King's obligation in the Law to respond to Petitions for Redress, is the very moral framework upon which the Revolution was justified in the Declaration of Independence.

Today we know that Right as the last ten words of the First Amendment, i.e., the Right of the People to Petition the government for Redress of Grievances.

The Right to Petition is not, as our government would have us believe, a redundantly stated Right of Free Speech. The Right to Petition is a procedural vehicle, in the law, and available to all -- even individuals, to serve formal Notice & Demand upon the Government that it must provide substantive response and Redress for the constitutional violations so alleged.

Should the Government fail to provide such Redress the People are left with only two practicable options to secure Redress: violent Revolution or the withholding of taxes.

In short, if we are to peacefully reverse the tide of tyranny before our Liberty is irretrievably lost, we must look beyond the contemporary paradigm of electoral politics and begin to organize to discover -- and believe in -- and EXERCISE -- the profound, but little known unalienable Right protected by the Petition clause (and Ninth Amendment) as bequeathed to us by our Founders through the divinely inspired Constitution.

"No Redress. NO TAXES."

It's really that simple.

In God's speed,

Christopher Fojtik

Chris' FaceBook Page

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